Saturday, July 10, 2010


Mama’s Bed

left alone on Mama’s bed –
in Mama’s room -
Grandmother’s feet
black tied
danced above my head -

behind the old wooden
door – I thought a bear hid
but learned it was a fur
coat handing from a metal
hook -

talked to God – on Mama’s
bed – tears moistened
clean white sheets –
pushing a feather pillow
far from me – it was God
I needed -

asked him – screamed in
silence from the inside out –
asked him – please God
take me first.
I can leave earths
beauty – don’t take those
who love me please -

seven, I knew enough
I could wait - stretched
my arms grabbing at a pillow
sobbing into silence.

her red velvet - an
old worn couch - her
knitting needles
clanging - glasses falling
from her Irish face - now

red blood, poured
out of her mouth - down
her neck - I wiped it away -

thirty days her will
kept her alive -
God -
you never listened
to me
on Mama’s bed -
I pleaded - sobbed,
asking to go first.

Nancy Duci Denofio
all rights reserved

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